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Re: conversion table

From: Eileen


Hope my calculations help -- took figures from Calumet Baking Powder can.

Serving size: 1/4 t. Servings: 258 Can size: 10 oz.

Here goes:

258 servings x 1/4 t. = 64-1/2 t. 64-1/2 t. = 10 0z. can 6.45 t. = 1 oz. 3.225 t. = 1/2 oz. 9.675 t. = 1-1/2 oz.

I'd call that app. 9-3/4 teaspoons or 3T + 3/4 t.

You probably could do the same type calculation from a can or bag of yeast if you buy it that way; otherwise I'd try contacting the manufacturer if it's something you need all the time.

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