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Re: measurements/conversion

Name: Judy in Montreal



First we have to know if that 5 1/3 oz. you're talking about is WEIGHT or VOLUME. For instance, if I ask you to measure out 5 1/3 oz. of feathers by weight and then again by volume by filling a measuring cup to the 5 1/3 oz. level, there would be one heck of a difference in the amount of feathers you would have when you compared the two methods. Right?

So, to answer your question, if you measure by volume (filling a measuring cup up to 5 1/3 oz.) you will find that you have a little under 3/4 cup of flour. If you measure by weight (on a scale) you will find that 5 1/3 oz. of flour is a little over 1 cup of unsifted flour and is more than 1 1/3 cup of sifted flour.

Most American and Canadian home recipes are measured by volume (filling a measuring cup up to a certain line). When it comes to baking this is a very inaccurate way to measure dry ingredients.

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