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Re: chocolate cups/shells

Name: Gerard


Depending on the size they run around .25 - .45 each. I make my own for .12 each with 3 inch width 1 inch deep for mousse. If you decide to make them get a tempering machine, it will pay for itself in a few weeks.

Do a search on "Patisfrance", they are on the web and will direct you to your nearest supplier.

Another simple option is make tart shells from cookie dough and brush with chocolate, we did it that way for years when we couldn't afford .45 a peice for the chocolate ones(which aren't real chocolate anyway). A tart dough shell dipped or painted with choc is a better eating item than a fruit tart with a choc only shell, the choc shell will tend to break or shatter when bitten and make for difficult eating.

Regards, Gerard

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