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Re: Pie crust shrinkage

Name: Judy in Montreal


First, don't overwork your pastry before baking. Once all the flour has been incorporated into the dough, gently press (don't knead) the dough into a ball. Flatten the ball and roll out the pastry. Chill the shell before baking (very important). If you are baking an empty shell, prick the bottom all over with a fork. This is so that heated air underneath the crust can escape and not cause big bubbles. Also when baking an empty shell you should weigh it down while baking. Put a sheet of aluminum foil on top of the pastry and pour dried peas or beans into the shell. This will also keep the crust from heaving up while baking. The aluminum should be large enough so that you can lift the edges and remove it without spilling beans all over the place. Have courage and practice your baking. I remember that my first piecrusts came out of the oven looking like catchers' mitts!

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